Historisk dag utan våldsbrott i New York City

New York City har under många år bedrivit ett framgångsrikt arbete för att minska brottsligheten i alla dess delar.

I måndags skedde det som ingen ens kan dokumentera har skett i stadens moderna historia:

No news really is good news — not a single person was reported shot, stabbed or slashed in New York City on Monday, police sources said.

The shutout seemingly caught the NYPD by suprise, as officials were almost at a loss to explain it.


The streak ended 11:20 a.m. Tuesday when a 27-year-old man was shot in Brooklyn at Ralph and Flatlands Ave.

That was the first shooting since 10:25 p.m. Sunday, when a man in Bedford-Stuyvesant was shot in the head and badly wounded by a gunman wearing a red and black jacket and black hat.

Även totalt sett fortsätter den här typen av brott att minska även om den totala siffran hittills under 2012 visar en uppgång:

Thus far this year, crime is up three percent, fueled mostly by a 9 percent surge in grand larcenies that police attribute to thefts of smart phones and tablets.

But murders are down 23 percent — 472 last year and 366 this year.

And there have also been 10 percent fewer people shot — 1,674 last year and 1,514, about five a day, this year.

In 1994, the year the NYPD started Compstat, its computer tracking of crime, 4,967 people were shot — almost 14 a day.

Ökningen under året ses alltså i första hand bero på stölder av telefoner och läsplattor.

Det var värre förr kan man säga.

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