En låt från varje år sedan 1925
I en lista för några dagar sedan gjorde Ben Greenman på The New Yorker en musiklista innehållande en låt från varje år sedan 1925.
At the party, the mix worked like a charm. Jazz and blues greeted the early arrivals, and as the party picked up, the mood became romantic (thanks to the big-band and vocal recordings of the late thirties and forties), energetic (thanks to early rock and roll like Fats Domino and Jackie Brenston in the early fifties), funky (James Brown in 1973, Stevie Wonder in 1974), and kitschy (the eighties), after which it erupted into a bright riot of contemporary pop and hip-hop (Rihanna! Kanye! M.I.A.! Lil Jon!). It was rumored, though never proven, that party guests were leaving right around the songs that marked their birth years. To celebrate eighty-five years of music that The New Yorker has been pleased to exist alongside of, here’s our party playlist
Efter detta har ett antal rådiga personer skapat spellistor baserade på Greenmans lista.
Patrick Filler har gjort en som fungerar i Rdio men allra intressantast för oss är kanske de Spotify-listor som Tom Whitwell och ulyssestone har gjort.
En fantastisk musikmix från de senaste 85 åren!
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